Most of the spectacular discoveries, inventions and insights of humanity have been made when people just “played” and explored outside of the box – trial and error, ignoring people who were saying: it’s impossible, we have never done it like this, it wont work, etc. And then, one day: they made an amazing discovery, had a genius idea, dreamed up a truly fantastic plan, product, whatever...
Talk to scientists, researchers, businessmen, they will confirm this.
In order to be “successful”, we also need to look at the resources we have - and learn how to make the most of them.
It's a process of opening up, loosening up in order to be able to receive. It's a process of listening deeply - not to reply and to compare to already existing templates, but to understand and to expand consciousness.
In education – why don’t we ask children what they need? How they want to learn? What they are interested in and feel drawn to? In order to ensure that we tap into their full potential for the benefit of all.
In conservation, horticulture, agriculture, etc.: why don’t we communicate directly with animals, plants, the land?
"But we cannot speak with animals, plants,…", some say. "We don’t speak their language."
Well, I have met a lot of researcher/scientists who study animals and they all had a story of “interspecies communication” to tell. I haven’t met a pet owner yet who didn’t have to tell a story about “magic communication” with his/her pet. More and more stories are published about “animal communication” these days. And: shamans and indigenous people have been communicating with the land and its many life forms since ancient times.
We are all indigenous to this planet. We all have the potential to do this. Some more than others, but still.
Why don’t we tune into what the whales have to tell us?! Why don’t we listen to the stories of the birds? Why don't we listen to the voices of the Water? Why don’t we hear the many voices of the Earth?
They ARE here, all around us, loud and clear for some, quieter for others. There are so many opportunities to tune in and to listen…
So many stories to be shared...
I find it not easy to bear, when I see that we don’t even listen to our own species (children/youth, indigenous people, elders...).
It’s early stages (still) in modern human consciousness, and I keep my hopes up.
Please listen!
Talk to scientists, researchers, businessmen, they will confirm this.
In order to be “successful”, we also need to look at the resources we have - and learn how to make the most of them.
It's a process of opening up, loosening up in order to be able to receive. It's a process of listening deeply - not to reply and to compare to already existing templates, but to understand and to expand consciousness.
In education – why don’t we ask children what they need? How they want to learn? What they are interested in and feel drawn to? In order to ensure that we tap into their full potential for the benefit of all.
In conservation, horticulture, agriculture, etc.: why don’t we communicate directly with animals, plants, the land?
"But we cannot speak with animals, plants,…", some say. "We don’t speak their language."
Well, I have met a lot of researcher/scientists who study animals and they all had a story of “interspecies communication” to tell. I haven’t met a pet owner yet who didn’t have to tell a story about “magic communication” with his/her pet. More and more stories are published about “animal communication” these days. And: shamans and indigenous people have been communicating with the land and its many life forms since ancient times.
We are all indigenous to this planet. We all have the potential to do this. Some more than others, but still.
Why don’t we tune into what the whales have to tell us?! Why don’t we listen to the stories of the birds? Why don't we listen to the voices of the Water? Why don’t we hear the many voices of the Earth?
They ARE here, all around us, loud and clear for some, quieter for others. There are so many opportunities to tune in and to listen…
So many stories to be shared...
I find it not easy to bear, when I see that we don’t even listen to our own species (children/youth, indigenous people, elders...).
It’s early stages (still) in modern human consciousness, and I keep my hopes up.
Please listen!