The Story of Interbeing - 2 simple exercises to feel interconnected
Stepping stones to reactivate your ability to feel the interconnectedness of all life. Holding a space for your Self, your family and friends, your work colleagues, employees,... to recalibrate and reconnect with your true nature, to tap into the source of creative energy that is at the origin of all life supporting, balanced creation and well-being. Enjoy :) |
Interspecies Communication - How to communicate beyond words
A journey of discovering ways to restore a deep relationship with all of life. By connecting with our intuition, we can engage in meaningful dialogue and remember how to hear the subtle messages from those whose space we share in our lives and our natural environment. Click here for full version For more information about Anna Breytenbach, visit |
Everything is connected
Tom Chi explains the interconnectedness of all life from a left brain perspective. He points out how we can use the gifts of consciousness to add new colours to the "palette of being" and co-create new ways of being. More about Tom Chi... |
How Whales Change Climate
This video illustrates beautifully how all life is interconnected and how all life forms play their role in the orchestra of life. Great clip to watch with your young ones - short, not many words but many essential messages. |
Sam Dylan Irwin - Guided Mindfulness Meditation
Sam from Direct Inner Harmony has made a series of short "start-up" clips to ease the way. Handy if you cannot get out into the forest/bush :) Sam introduces you to the beautiful mauri-filled Mohua Bay in Aotearoa/New Zealand - you can find his other clips here. |
Walk into the Quantum Field with Dr. Joe Dispenza
In 48 minutes Joe Dispenza explains to his students how they can re-organise their brain, activate "dreamspace" (the frontal lobe) and rewire it in a new way. Lots of numbers and words for left brain aficionados :) If you don't have time to listen to the whole talk, you might want to check in at: